12 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice on an Empty Stomach
When life gives you lemons, make lemon
juice… To help you lose weight! Experts are constantly raving about the wonders
of drinking lukewarm lemon juice on an empty stomach, a half hour before
eating. Let us tell you why:
1. The Diet Friend
Drinking lemon infused water is actually
more filling than plain water. A lot of people are oblivious to this, but lemon
juice helps to curb our urges to stuff our face with gloriously unhealthy
foods. Lemons are loaded with pectin fibers (a kind of dietary fiber that slows
the absorption of carbs), which keeps us feeling full for a little longer. You
are less likely to binge when you are feeling full!
2. Red Bull Rip-Off
Working out can leave you dehydrated. When
that happens, nothing sounds better than to grab that ice-cool energy drink
from the vending machine to cool you down. The catch is, energy drinks are as
packed with processed sugar to help replenish the glucose you lost while
working out. Lemon juice is a great substitute, as it is packed with minerals
and natural glucose. Lemons are chock full of vitamin C. The vitamin C helps
with mineral absorption, speeding up the body's ability to retrieve nutrients.
Lemonade works just as well as Gatorade - and it is healthier, too!
3. LemonAches
Lemons are not just full of vitamin C. Like
bananas, they are filled with potassium. Potassium is widely known to reduce
and even prevent cramps, very helpful while you grind away in a park or in a
gym. Lemon juice is also known to help with those post-workout sores. In other
words, lemon juice can actually help you to work out more efficiently and lose
weight effectively.
4. The Number One
Lemon juice as a detox almost sounds too
good to be true. Celebrities promote lemon, juice only diets as a way to lose
weight quickly. Starving yourself will certainly help you lose weight, albeit
unhealthily, and can lead to a myriad of health problems (e.g., malnutrition;
malnutrition can actually make you gain more weight!). Instead of starving
yourself, it is recommended that people drink a lot of water with lemon slices
put in. Lemons are a natural diuretic (beverages that help you urinate often,
and in large quantities). This helps your body to get rid of toxins in your
body quickly, hence the detox properties of lemon juice.
5. The Number Two
Lemon juice is acidic outside of the body,
but once consumed, it has amazing alkalizing properties. This, paired with the
fiber from the pulp, helps to speed up digestion. Toxins move along more
quickly in the digestive tract and gets expelled quickly through excretion. x
6. Live Help
The nutrients you get from drinking lots
of lemon juice helps to give your liver a boost. The liver is the center of
detoxification in the body. Unhealthy diets lead to unbalanced pH levels in
your body, affecting its ability to function properly. The alkalizing
properties of lemon juice help to correct that, balancing out the pH levels to aid
in liver functions. Why is detox so important when it comes to weight loss and
general health? A clean body means a healthy body, and a healthy body means
effective weight loss.
7. Cold Heartburn, Go Away from Me
When your body's pH levels are all messed
up, it produces excess bile in the confusion. Excessive bile production also
happens when your body is trying to adapt to a new diet. Bile is an acidic
fluid that plays an important role in digestion. However, excess bile causes
heartburn, an uncomfortable condition with its key symptom being a burning
sensation in the chest. Room temperature lemon juice helps to soothe and
balance out the effect.
8. Mood Booster
Lemons contain limonene, a chemical
compound found abundant in the rind of citrus fruits such as lemons and
oranges. It gives these citrus fruits their signature crisp, tangy scent.
Limonene actually has anti-stress properties. Drinking lots of lemonade-infused
lemon juice can help you cope with mid-regime depression by keeping your
spirits up. No more giving up!
9. Junk Food Substitute
Lemon juice is delightfully delicious and
refreshing. Treat yourself to lots of lemon juice instead of junk food - lemon
juice is significantly lower in calories!
10. Fat Burner
We are so commercially conditioned to
prioritize vitamin C intake - and for a good reason! We know by now how
abundant vitamin C is in lemons. The cells in our body to treat vitamin C as
fuel. Cells need vitamin C to metabolize (process) nutrients. A high vitamin C
intake leads to higher metabolism - cells burn up fat faster! Lose those flabs
quicker, the gorgeous flat belly is anxious to show itself!
11. Citrus Warrior
Vitamin C is not just good for burning
fat, it is also a boost for our immune system. Cells need vitamin C to function
properly. Cells in the immune system benefit greatly from a high intake of
lemon juice (water and vitamin C galore!), giving them a huge boost to fight
off illnesses, keeping you healthy.
12. Beauty Buff
Get great skin along with a gorgeous body!
The nutrients packed in the lemon juice helps to give you healthy, glowing
skin. A great deal, if you ask me!