Ask any expert and they'll tell you that
the key to effective weight loss is a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Remember, starving yourself can actually be counterproductive! Weight gain is a
side effect of malnutrition that was onset by someone starving themselves in
hopes to shed the extra belly fat.
A balanced diet consists of sufficient
amounts of a variety of nutrients. Unfortunately, a single food item diet is
nothing but phony. Your body needs variety, as do your taste buds.
Below are some of the best foods to add
into your weight loss regime. Your belly doesn't have to be empty to be flat!
1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are literal flavor bombs - they
contain a very powerful flavor enhancer called glutamic acid that's roughly the
same stuff found in flavor packs (but healthier!). These delicious fungi are
high in dietary fiber. This means that they take a little longer to get
digested, extending the time between meals and getting hungry again. As a
result, you are less likely to sneak snacks between meals, lowering your
calorie intake throughout the day to make sure all that effort to weight loss
does not go to waste. Mushrooms can be eaten raw, but they taste
a lot better and are more nutritious after they've been cooked.
2. Eggs
In a study, women were told to eat eggs
for breakfast instead of bagels. The calories in both diets are similar.
However, the women reported that they felt fuller for longer and lost more
weight compared to those who had bagels for breakfast. The woman who ate eggs
felt less of an urge to eat within 36 hours compared to the bagel-eaters. This
is probably because of the egg's high protein count. It takes longer for the
body to process protein, during which energy is released. Eating eggs can help
control your appetite and keep you going for a longer time.
Recent studies have found that eggs have
very little to do with cardiovascular diseases and cholesterol levels. In
short, eggs are practically nutrient bombs. Perfect for a calorie restricted
3. Vegetables
This is an obvious one. Vegetables are
practically "free foods", meaning you can eat as much as you want
without worrying about gaining weight as a result. This is because vegetables
are low in calories but high in dietary fiber, which digests slowly, filling
you up for longer periods of time. Vegetables are also packed with water,
meaning you don't just stock up with filling fiber, you get hydrated at the
same time.
High in essential vitamins, vegetable can
vastly increase your metabolism rate. Cells in your body need vitamins to carry
out various activities, like creating energy and burning fat. Vegetables for
cells are like oil for cogs. It helps things to function properly and
efficiently. A higher metabolic rate means faster weight loss.
4. Salmon
There is no definitive proof that salmon
directly causes weight loss, but because it is low in calories and high in
proteins, it makes a great alternative to other red meats. People are always
raving about its omega 3 content; they are not wrong. Salmon meat is packed
with nutrients and flavor. The best part is, it does not contain as much
cholesterol and fats as other meats. Although eating salmon does not have
immediate effects on your waistline, it is a great substitute for other meats
and will affect your overall health in a positive way.
Foods with dense nutrients like salmon are
great for diets because while they are high in protein, they are low in
calories. Eating salmon can keep you going for longer than a cheeseburger, and
puts less weight on you, too.
5. Low-Calorie Desserts
People will scream at you to keep away from sugary foods, but studies show that it could be counterproductive. The same studies concluded that treating yourself with a little bit of sugary goodness may help you to keep to your weight loss regimen. The theory is, getting rid of sweet treats could stimulate the release of hormones that give you the urge to binge! Those hormones are the ones responsible for your stress eating habits. So, treat yourself every now and again, you deserve it (but don't eat too much!)
6. Soup
Eating foods with high water content can satisfy hunger more effectively, which in turns lead to lower calorie consumption. Soup is so versatile, it can include any ingredients that you want. It fills you up faster and keeps you full for longer periods of time compared to solid foods.
It is key to keep hydrated while going
through a weight loss regimen. Water helps your body to maintain its internal
environment, making sure everything is running smoothly. If drinking gallons of
water are too boring for you, spice things up by drinking soup instead. It's
more nutritious and provides a wide range of nutrients and stimulation for your
taste buds without giving you as many calories.
7. Oatmeal
Weight loss experts say, eat "slow release foods" for breakfast to keep you from getting hungry too quickly. Slow releasing foods are items that get digested slowly, during which energy is released. Oatmeal is high in fiber and carbohydrates, which help to keep you full and energized until the next meal. "Slow releasing" foods also prevent significant rises in insulin levels. Insulin tells your body to store fat when there is too much sugar in the blood to store as energy.
A study suggests that eating oatmeal three
hours before a workout can actually help your body burn fat faster. While it
keeps you feeling full, lower sugar levels in your blood force your body to
burn energy stored around the muscles and in the liver. When that is used up,
your body begins to convert fat into the energy needed to keep the muscles
going while you work out.