Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Not To Lose Weight Tips

By maintaining a very attractive appearance of your body, an individual must have a good knowledge in the responsiveness of his/her body in order to regulate the amount of food mostly eaten per day. If you noticed you have a very fast metabolism, which is the chemical processes done in a food capable of sustaining life, you have to increase the calorie intake in order to compensate. Occasionally, you may have observed that even if you eaten heavy loads of meal, your body size is still not affected. On the other hand, your body size increases rapidly over a less consumption of food. The reason is, is that you have a slow metabolism, thus, your body will have a great time in storing energy in the form of fat rather than expanding them as an immediate source of energy. Monitor your weight always on a weighing scale and if you have observed that there is a decrease, try raising your calorie intake daily. 

How not to lose weight? Pretty easy to do, that it is. You know why? It’s because you are not restricted in eating certain kinds of food. However, be aware that the load of your diet must also be regulated to avoid gaining or lose weight. It is still advisable that you will follow your 3-meal routine and avoid yourself from depriving in eating food.

For your meals, always give a higher ratio in the protein consumption rather than the starch. The effect of this is that it lessens that amount of fat going to be stored in your body. All of the proteins and its basic form, the amino acids, will go directly into your muscles, bones and many more. This causes the framework of your body to become sturdier. Don’t overdo your protein intake because it will also eventually cause complications in the body as well. Nevertheless, don’t fall eliminate the starch out of your diet. These are some examples to help maintain your weight:

·         Egg
·         Milk
·         Potato
·         Chicken
·         Meat
·         Soya milk

You might also want to try at reducing the fiber intake as it fully fills up your stomach and causes you to lose appetite.

Next we will be talking about stress. Stress could be harmful to your body by releasing unwanted and excessive amounts of hormones inside. Imbalanced quantity of hormones is unhealthy and may reduce your weight for you will lose appetite most of the time in this kind of occurrences. Sleep early to relax your body, or, go out and refresh yourself. You might want to do some exercise, but don’t overdo it as you may decrease your weight.

Never forget to eat snack during a long day of work. This helps you prevent from losing weight. The kinds of food suggested to be eaten during snacks are mostly starchy foods and others, like:

·         Cereals
·         Nuts
·         Banana
·         Sandwiches
·         Butter
·         Noodles

 Lastly, the most important thing to do is to monitor your body on a weighing scale weekly and compare the differences among the changes you have observed. If you have satisfied yourself with the current diet plan you have, maintain it. 

As you grow older, your metabolism slows down and rate of storing fat increases. This event is inevitable, so my personal advice is to add up regular exercise with a constant monitoring of your weight.

Following this plan with a discipline will ensure you that maintaining weight is just very comfortable. Your weight is not stable, it increases and decreases, so bear in mind that you also have to adapt and obey your body’s needs.


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