Saturday, March 28, 2015


10 Fruits to Help Weight Loss

Fruits are saviors when it comes to weight loss. Chock full of fiber and all sorts of vitamins, they are one of the only things that taste as good as junk food, but do not pile as much calories on you no matter how much of it you eat. You can also be the person who eats a lot, but seemingly never gains any weight - by eating lots of fruits instead of pizza. You can juice them, eat them as they are, with dip, or even frozen!
Eating only one type of fruit every day is boring. That's why we've compiled a list of 10 fruits to best help with weight loss. Onwards, to crunching, and a flat belly!

1.     Apples

You must have gotten sick of the thing about apples and doctors already so we won't say it. The sweet, crunchy, juicy fruit is packed full with dietary fibers and polyphenols. The combination does not get digested till it gets to the colon - near the end of the digestive tract. When it gets there, it acts as food for the good bacteria that live in the colon, while starving the bad bacteria. In other words, apples aren't just tasty, they also help fix your digestive system, so that you digest food more effectively and efficiently, speeding up your metabolism and help you lose weight faster.

2.     Pears

The pear is a muscle buff's best friend. Fitness experts recommend eating a pear before a workout session, as it helps to build muscle mass and increase endurance. This high energy fruit is considerably more nutritious (not to mention more delicious) than energy bars and can keep your hunger satisfied for a longer time. Don't worry about the cars - they'll have burned away while you work out!


3.     Bananas

Hardcore marathon runners love bananas. Why? Bananas are packed with energy and potassium. Potassium prevents your muscles from cramping up during a workout, and can even relieve sores after. Bananas also contain agents that help with elevating your moods, keeping you from mid-diet depression! Try a banana pancake recipe with just bananas and eggs. They're surprisingly good and very filling, fueling you up for the day.

  4.     Blueberries

These delightful little flavor bombs are one of the best alternatives to chocolate. Blueberries are high in vitamin C, which effectively raises your metabolism rate, helping you to get rid of your belly fat A.S.A.P. They’re also a beauty buff's best friend as it also full of vitamin E, and antiaging agent. Try freezing blueberries in the freezer and eating the frozen berries as a snack. They can also be eaten with yogurt, too.


5.     Strawberries

You can't go wrong with strawberries. They satisfy your sugar cravings perfectly and are great weight loss buddies. They're so delicious it almost feels like cheating! Strawberries actually helps to regulate weight loss hormones in the body - eating strawberries can help ensure your body does not just store fat around your belly or thighs. These delightfully vibrant snacks can also help you control your appetite.

6.     Kiwis

Don't underestimate the little green furry fruit. Try scooping out the insides of one for a snack and you'll realize how satisfying they can be! They keep you feeling full for a long time, but at the same time give your digestion a boost. Great for detox and weight loss, the little kiwi makes a great quick fix whenever hunger kicks in.


7.     Peaches

They're not just a pretty color, peaches are as good as they look. Packed with vitamins, the peach is a great fruit to add to your detox and weight loss regimen. The vitamin C in peaches actually helps your body's waste management  to flush out toxins and excess substances quicker. As a result, your body is healthier and your metabolism rate increased. Peaches can be eaten as they are, juiced, or even with whole grain cereals.

8.     Coconuts

They're not just good for your hair, they're great for weight loss, too. Coconut juice right from the husk is a wonderfully refreshing alternative to energy drinks. The calories in the coconut get converted into energy instead of fat as they get processed in the body. The flesh of the coconut also makes for a delightfully filling snack, it is high in energy and fiber, allowing you to work out longer.

9.     Pomegranates

The pomegranate is the very embodiment of the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover". The awkward fruit is a savory snack if you gave its many seeds a shot. It is high in fiber and can aid in balancing out LDL (bad cholesterol)  and HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Beyond that, it is believed to help prevent belly fat by blocking triglycerides, the main kind of fat that causes those unsightly muffin tops.

10.      Papayas

Who doesn't love the papaya's sweet, buttery consistency? Papayas make a good alternative for other fatty foods and keep you energized and filled longer. As a bonus, papayas contain papain, a proteolytic, meaning it digests protein. Eating papayas may help you zap that belly fat! Juice it, eat it as it is or even use papaya chunks to season dishes.


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